Studio Bronze Casting

Where my source for this comes from I can't remember but I believe the more valuable small bronze animals produce by The French Animaliers of the 19 century were actually caste by the sculptor in their studios. Later of course foundries did the work and thousands of copies followed.
I started in my studio casting in resin bronze my own work. Had I been brave and had some guidance then the romantic notion of casting my own bronze in my studio need not have been put aside as impractical.
Now this may be a thing of the past, there is a book on how to do it!
Another Frenchman on the other side of the World has put things to right. From my limited knowledge of bronze casting, this book looks fantastic. Even I can understand it. (My recommendation however is in good faith and if things go wrong please do not blame me!) Having said that thank you Olivier, this is just what is needed.
His web address is here

Labels: book-reviews, Robert Mileham's Sculpture, sculptor, sculpture books
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